Move Over, Lasagna: Gluten-Free Pastel Azteca is a Showstopper

Pastel azteca
Pastel azteca is a homey, family-style casserole in the vein of lasagna, with delicate layers of corn tortillas taking the place of noodles, requesón and quesillo standing in for ricotta and mozzarella (although you can sub those, if you don't have access to good Mexican cheese), and spicy salsa verde (or roja) standing in for tomato sauce. We don't typically like to describe Mexican dishes in relation to those from other cultures, but this one feels like a pretty direct comparison — plus, isn't lasagna inspired by moussaka? We've stuffed shredded chicken, corn, and poblanos into the mix, so together with the veggie-laden salsa, this meal hits all the right notes.

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