Heirloom Amarillo Beans | Masienda Mexican Beans | 2.2 lb | #1 of #2
Heirloom Amarillo Beans | Masienda Mexican Beans | 2.2 lb | #2 of #2
Heirloom Amarillo Beans | Masienda Mexican Beans | 2.2 lb
Amarillo Beans
2.2 lb / 1 kg
A hearty bean with deep, earthy notes. This bean has a brilliant color ranging from light to rich yellow, and plumps up into bean magic when cooked.

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• Sourced from Tlaxcala
• Flavor notes: hearty with deep earthy notes
• High starch density
• 2.2 lb / 1 kg
Usage +
Amarillo Beans will hold their shape and texture during cooking. A perfect candidate ⁠for frijoles de la olla.
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A Bowl of Nourishment

Amarillo, or yellow beans are hearty, earthy and starchy, making them a perfect candidate for frijoles de la olla (beans cooked simply with water, alliums and epazote or avocado leaves, and served in their broth, perhaps with tostadas or rice. Or simmer some chochoyotes directly in the broth for a rib-sticking stew.

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