Alexa Soto's Hoja Santa Tetelas with Almond Crema

Hoja santa tetelas with almond crema
Alexa Soto HeadshopIntroducing Alexa Soto, Masienda's first Chef en Residencia. We have long admired Alexa's creative, plant-based takes on her native Mexican cuisine (think: crispy oyster mushroom tacos, jackfruit cochinita pibil, and more) so we were honored to have her join us in our studio to shoot a series of recipe videos to share with you. To be honest, we didn't fully know what to expect: not all of us eat a vegan diet, and who ever knows whether food that looks beautiful on Instagram actually tastes good?

Well. Every single dish Alexa cooked for our team had us coming back for seconds (and thirds, and filling up tupperwares to take home to our families). We'd ordered set lunch, but hardly touched it.

Hoja santa tetelas

This dish, inspired by one Alexa tried at Los Loosers (a favorite vegan spot in Mexico City) just may be our favorite take on tetelas in recent memory. Earthy blue masa wrapped in herbaceous hoja santa leaves, filled with a silky smooth, cream-cheese-like almond crema ... the flavors are so complex, you won't believe how easily it comes together. If you can find fresh hoja santa at your local Mexican market, it adds incredible depth of flavor to this dish, but if not, proceed without them.
