How to Make Gorditas

plate of gorditas

Gorditas, aka thick corn tortillas with a pocket stuffed with fillings, are one of our favorite ways to cook with masa harina. Their golden, lightly charred crust yields to a fluffy, molten masa center. Stuff them full of whatever leftover guisos or ingredients you have lying around and you have the perfect handheld (if messy) meal for next-to-nothing. Taco Bell could never.

There’s more than one way to make gorditas, but for our purposes, let’s keep it simple.

1. Make Your Masa

Mix equal parts masa harina and warm water until it feels like Play Doh. (Some people like to add lard or salt, and to that we say: you do you, boo.)

2. Press Your Patty

Roll a racquetball-sized ball of masa and flatten it into a thick disc using your hands or a tortilla press lined with plastic.

3. Get it Crispy

Cook each patty on a heated and lightly oiled comal until each side is golden and crisp. Remove the patty from the skillet and let it cool slightly.

4. Stuff it Good

Use a knife to split the gordita halfway around the edge, creating a pocket. Stuff it with whatever filling you like: refried beans, beef picadillo, sautéed mushrooms, potatoes with chorizo, etc.

5. Gild the Lily

Add whatever toppings you’d like: we’re partial to shredded lettuce, queso fresco, crema, and salsa. Provecho!

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Hola Nat! Puede ser que las gorditas estaban muy gruesas o que necesitaban más tiempo en el comal. Prueba haciendo la masa un poquito más hidratada y dándoles una forma gruesa pero no tanto, para que se cocinen bien por dentro. Cocínalas a fuego medio con poquito aceite y voltéalas varias veces para que queden bien parejitas. También puedes taparlas un ratito para que el vapor ayude a cocerlas por dentro. Inténtalo y nos cuentas cómo te va!


Trate de hacer gorditas con la masa en el comal que compre de aquí también y no se cocinaron bien de adentro y afuera estaban muy crispy. No se que hice mal


Hi Mike! Thanks so much for the kind words! To achieve a crispy layer on your gorditas, use medium heat so they crisp without burning. Make sure they’re thick enough to puff, and let the masa rest 10-20 minutes after mixing to hydrate fully. Flip gently to keep the crispy exterior intact. Let us know if this helps!


Hi April! The Hayden flour/Masienda masa blend can work for gorditas, though traditionally they’re made with corn masa harina. The flour will make them a bit fluffier and more bread-like, but they’ll still taste great! Just be sure to follow the recipe above and you should be good to go. Let us know how it goes!


I love all of the products I have ordered from your site and the recipes are top-notch. One thing I noticed about this recipe is that it is more difficult to get the gordita shells right. After making mine, the top layer of crispy fell off of all of them. Any tips?

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