Bathe Your Tortillas in Tomato Sauce to Make Entomatadas

Plate of entomatadas topped with crema, pickled red onions, and cilantro
You've heard us say it before, but it's true: siempre hay comida en la casa. There's always food at home. Entomatadas perfectly embody this sentiment — they're budget-friendly, easy to make, and loved by all. These delicious folded tortillas are similar to enchiladas or enfrijoladas, but instead of a chile- or bean-based sauce, it's a fresh, aromatic tomato sauce that takes the spotlight. Picture soft corn tortillas, lightly fried and drenched in this savory sauce, stuffed with a flavorful blend of queso fresco and onion, then topped with additional queso fresco, crema, pickled red onions, avocado, and fresh cilantro. It's the ultimate comfort dish that is sure to become a household favorite.


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