Heirloom Ayocote Pinto Beans | Masienda Mexican Beans | 55 lb | #1 of #2
Heirloom Ayocote Pinto Beans | Masienda Mexican Beans | 55 lb | #2 of #2
Heirloom Ayocote Pinto Beans | Masienda Mexican Beans | 55 lb
Ayocote Pinto Beans
55 lb

Known as frijolón pinto (large, multi-colored bean), this variety of Ayocote is plump and earthy, with a flavor reminiscent of meaty mushrooms.

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• Sourced from Tlaxcala
• Flavor notes: plump and earthy in vibrant tones reminiscent of meaty mushrooms
• 55 lb
We recommend cooking these beans with a few cloves of garlic, white onion and an avocado leaf or two, though they'll thrive in just about any preparation.